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Media Center


E-Mail Me     

My name is Rich Evarts, and I am the media specialist at Morrow Elementary School. This is my eighth year at Morrow, and it is truly a wonderful place to work. The students at Morrow are extraordinary. I have been with Clayton County Public Schools for 24 years, and 20 of those have been in the media department. Please stop by the media center, and introduce yourself. I would love to meet you.

See Below for Clayton Reads Resources

GUMDROP BOOKS (Click the icon below)

You may take Accelerated Reader Quizzes at home during this at home learning period. The site for our school is as follows:  You must navigate to that particular site for our school in order to enter our school's AR quiz database. 

Clayton Reads Resources

Clayton County Public Library

Destiny Discover (see what books are available in the media center, and place books on hold)

Tumble Book Library (read books online)

GPB Education

Download the Open E-books app using your Android or IOS (Apple) device. It can be found in the Playstore for Android and the App Store for Apple  (thousands of e-books available to read online. You will need a username and password to access these books on a device. A username and password can be obtained by sending an e-mail to following address indicating that you need a username and password:

Digital Library Card
To get a digital library card if you don't already have a Clayton County Public Library card, click on this link and answer the questions

Destiny Discover

Students can login at and click Destiny to open the school media center catalog. Reading materials available may include: eBooks, interactive books, and encyclopedia articles.

Open eBooks

Open eBooks provides free access to thousands of ebooks which can be read using an App available for Apple iOS or Android devices. Ask for an access code by e-mailing your child’s name, grade level, and school name to

Renaissance Accelerated Reader (available at home only if schools are closed)

Accelerated Reader quizzes allow a student to show understanding of a book he or she has read. Parents and students are encouraged to follow these best practices when a student reads and takes an Accelerated Reader quiz:

·         Select a book of interest to read.

·         Read a few pages to be sure you can successfully read the book.

·         Finish reading the entire book.

·         Take the Accelerated Reader quiz within one day of finishing a book.

·         Go to to login to Accelerated Reader. The username is the student ID number without the first zero. Each student should know his or her password.

·         Do not use the book during the quiz.

Tumblebook Library

The Clayton County Public Library provides access to TumbleBook Library, a collection of hundreds of ebooks including animated picture books, read-along chapter books, videos, and more. Go to to begin reading.

E-Read Kids

The Clayton County Public Library provides access to E-Read Kids, a collection of thousands of ebooks and audio titles. A library card number is required to access the collection. Go to to begin reading.