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Mr. Faamata Fonoimoana, Jr., Assistant Principal

Mr. F

E-Mail Mr. Fonoimoana

I am very excited to serve as the Assistant Principal of Morrow Elementary.  My last name is phonetically pronounced - Fono-e-mo-wana.  It is Samoan, which is Polynesian (like Hawaiian).  I have been in education for eleven years.  I began as a special education teacher and continued to work with exceptional children in some capacity ever since.  I have two Master's Degrees - one in Special Education and one in Educational Leadership.  I have been a high school Assistant Principal for the past five years and I am looking forward to working with students and families to make your experience at Morrow second to none.

In October, I will be celebrating nineteen years of marriage to my beautiful wife whom I met in college.  We reside in Clayton County and have four children (three boys and a girl) two at Arnold Elementary and two at Elite Scholars Academy.  We love Clayton County as I am a graduate of Jonesboro High, Class of 1997.  I am looking forward to seeing Morrow Elementary become the top elementary school in Clayton County.

Family at PCB 2023 

Family Hike 2022